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Monday 9 April 2012

9-5 Thesis, Be a Food Protester!

''I'm all lost in the supermarket,
I can no longer shop happily,
I came in for that special offer,
A guaranteed personality"
 The Clash - Lost in the Supermarket.

I always liked these opening lines, and find them a good way to sum up the way we've been sold our eating style since the 'ad-men' had us forsaking the 'Larder' rolling in the 'White Goods', leading us down  aisles of the multinationals prepackaged flavour .Tradition was dismissed, the Future portrayed instant satisfaction and
sophistication, all blah blah blah that resulted in bland food, bad for us.

Be a Food Protester!
Easter's always a good time for a new start, think about where your food comes from.Check your fridge,store cupboard and shopping list. Look around you,check out what local products there are available on your high street or farmers market.

Shop Locally
Try at least once a week to eat a meal that is comprised of as much local produce as you can get. It doesn't have to be Organic or Free-range, if you can put a name, face or place to your food the experience will be enhanced. Eating a smaller portion of  good quality food prepared at home is better for you than over indulging and consuming a larger portion of mass produced precooked product.

Guaranteed Freshness
Provide something for yourself, if you don't have a garden or if there isn't a community project in your area grow some herbs in a pot or window box.Take a stroll and pick some wild food, nettles are in season at the moment and make a good healthy soup.If you haven't baked in a while or have never baked try something simple first, like scones or soda-bread. Even baking once a month will help create a food memory for those that share your table, that's important.

Most of all think about where your food comes from and what happens to it along the way before you value it and make a purchase.

errata slip/note;  re the Horse meat Scandal  of 2013, a direct result of globalisation.

Join Jamie's Food Revolution Today:

Also, closer to home check out Slow Food Ireland at: