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Sunday 1 April 2012

Blackthorn Blossom, Tastes like Almonds?

Blackthorn bushes have many uses, the flowers that taste like almond are used by some for a syrup, leaves that are edible as salad or used for tea, the tight frame work of branches with thorns that make a good impenetrable hedge for livestock and in autumn they are prized for the Sloes.
There's strong medicinal properties attached to the all parts of the blackthorn, so do some more research before you decide to use the leaves or flowers.
My first impression of the Blackthorn was its use and value as a walking stick, my father made a couple of these some years ago whilst tidying up some hedgerows, not every bush will provide the necessary spec's for a good stick and the eye of the maker comes into play, my father had a good eye for such things and the craft in his hands to turn them into good sticks, each with their own personality.

Blackthorns flower from late winter until early summer depending on location. This Is a good time to seek the out and plan your 'Sloe harvest'.
Take a walk along the road and look for the Blackthorns white flowers in the hedgerows.Once you find them, if you wish pick a handful or two for syrup, moderation is the key.
To be honest I would place more value on leaving the flowers to develop into fruit, the almond taste mildly survives the syrup process. The novelty factor is there but as is often the case with wild edibles they have an astringent or bitter taste that needs to be tempered with honey or sugar.
I've included a recipe, should you desire to make it. I will be waiting for the sloes, besides the Elderflowers are appearing now and they really do make a great syrup.

275ml/ 1/2pt Water cold
220 gms 8oz Blackthorn blossoms
200 gms Sugar

Place the blossoms in a saucepan with the water and bring to the boil, then drain the lquid through a sieve into a large bowl or jug.
Return the water to the pot add the sugar and bring to the boil.
Pour into a jar or bottle seal and keep for later use.

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